dac or sacd?

I feel like buying a new toy. Would u get a dac or sacd player first?
with a dac you might have more options because sacds are a bit expensive and not all titles are available. saying that i have both so don,t pay attention to this advice, haha
SACD is only ubiquitous in the classical music realm. There are very few titles in other music genres. So if you're a classical guy, go SACD. Any SACD player will play CDs, so you are set there. BUT - to properly play SACD you need a decent multi-channel system, i.e. a 5.1 channel home theater system.
While I am definitely committed to multichannel, it is plain wrong to say that you need a decent, or any, multichannel system to "properly" play SACD. All SACDs have a dedicated stereo DSD track and will play "properly" on any stereo system.

SACD is only ubiquitous in the classical music realm. There are very few titles in other music genres.

BUT - to properly play SACD you need a decent multi-channel system, i.e. a 5.1 channel home theater system.

Wrong again.

*none* of the music I listen to is widely available on SACD. I've looked. So before diving in, do some research and see what's out there.

Isn't SACD mixed into multiple channels, why not take advantage of the engineer's intent and play it the way it was mixed? Seems to take maximum advantage of the medium to me.