Survey-What is your most used source?

Just curious, what is your most used source: CD, tuner, cassette, LP, dish...?

I purchased a tuner about six months ago, I hadn't used one in my system in well over 10 years. It is easily now my most used source.

Model: Fanfare FT-1A
flac>transporter>berkeley alpha dac or radio paradise via the same route for background listening
For all you guys with a tuner and nothing worth listening to, spend a hundred bucks on a whole house fm transmitter and connect it to your computer. I just did and it is great. I hooked up with Shoutcast on the internet and they have thousands of radio stations from all over the world. Granted many of them are at low bit rates but I find that stations with 128k and up are very enjoyable through my old MD Etude. Plus you can listen to your cd's stored on the computer and they sound almost as good as the original cd.
So to answer the original question, I listen to the tuner 95% and cd 5%.

When the thread started many years ago, it would have been CD/SACD.
Now it is vinyl, though I am going to make an effort to listen more to some of the great music I have on CD.