Best 2CH SACD Player for $2k Or Less, New or Used?

There are some threads similar, but the newest is over 2 years old. I would appreciate your thoughts on what you fell is the best 2 channel SACD player available, new or used, for $2k or less.

I need a quality, well built player to ensure my ability to play my SACDS well for the coming years, as I expect not many players will be available before long.

Thanks for any recommendations.
I have the Marantz SA-14 that I am very fond of and have had it since new. It does have some problems with a few SACD's though so a few years later they came out with the version 2 of it that should have, heavy on should have, cured that problem, they go for about $1,200 +/- 200.
Mine is close to ten years old and have not had a problem with it yet in terms of playing, tracking or anything else.
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