Reimyo cdp 777 vs Reimyo CDT 777

I am wondering if someone compared this 2 cdp's from Reimyo.There is a rumour going around that CDP -777 is better due to JVC transport and better DAC bulilt in.
IMO the difference can be atributed to both better transport mechanism in the CDP-777 and the lack S/PDiF interface in the integrated player - eveything is in one box, so you do not have to encode the data and clock signals into S/PDiF (coaxial digital out) and then decode them back in the DAC. The S/PDiF interface is very prone to jitter, if the DAC and transport are not clock linked - and in case of Reimyo stuff, they aren't.

The digital part - BB1704 24-bit DACs and JVC Extended K2 processing - is the same in both.
Can anyone else chime in regarding this comparison? From my reading of reviews the 777 transport forms a great synergy with the 999 dac, but on its' own seems to be just mediocre...whereas the dac is seemingly world class.
Hi Lula. I have not compared my CDT777/999ex combonation with any other players at the same price league. But my conclusion is I have no reason too. To my ears it is what I have been looking for. Hope that helps little.
I have to add why. It really does paint a picture into the music. The mid range is something that I have been looking for in this hobby. The tone is very even and with authority. It excels with all types of music. If you have any further questions I will be pleased to try and answer them.
As per Whitewind saying the one box CDP777 sounds better. I cannot answer that (but if he is rite, then that means they never really improved the 999ex dac from the 777 dac).