Burson Buffers?

Does anyone have any experience with these? A company that does mods on cd players is sending me one to see if it will solve my lack of bass punch that I am experiencing with my recently purchased Cambridge 840c.
As usual any input is appreciated.
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To the OP. I know you say you have low bass output from your new 840C. I also have a new 840C. The only upgrade I have is a PS Audio AC3 1M PC. I have never listened to the stock cord, so I don't yet know what difference the PC provides. Anyway, sometimes I think that the unit doesn't do bass so well, then I put in a different CD and voala, good bass. Seems very CD dependant for me. Overall, I'm quite happy and I am running McIntosh power with ML Vantages, which are not known for the stongest bass. I'm wondering if you have enough runnin time (breakin)?... And in the end, I'm also interested in this Burson Buffer. Hope to hear about it soon.

I do remember you comparing the 840C to a Nak cassette deck. Maybe that deck just has less upper end extension and so it sounds like the 840C is underpowered in the bass department. In any event, I hope you figure out your conundrm and a great fix, if that's what is needed.
I have tried their Burson Buffer and PI-160 integrated amp and they are both very good.

The buffer is system dependent. Any source machine with 150ohm or above output impedance should benefit greatly from the buffer. Anything under 150ohm is less preditable.

It pays to contact Burson Audio directly, and they are pretty friendly folks.
A friend of mine owns the Burson--he's an audio zealot I suppose you'd say--he has an Oppo DVD player, an Exemplar, a Cambridge. We listened to each unit with and without and I'd say that the results with every unit were nothing short of remarkable. Not one of those, hold your head at a certain angle and maybe you'll hear it--flat out spectacular. We then brought it to my house and a/b'd it on my Exemplar Player, again, remarkable. I really can't say enough good things about it. The best 'relatively' inexpensive improvement I've seen in digital.
Highly reccommended.

As with most things that we review and talk about...
input from anyone not actually having had the unit in their posession, is not valid, IMHO.
