Best upgrade path from Borresen X3s

I have Forte3 integrated amplified and Borrsesn X3 speakers. I'm quite satisfied and I'm wondering what some "old heads" here would recommend as my upgrade path in 6 months to a year. I want to start saving now for that. Also I have about $20k worth of AGD's resonance and noise reducing accessories.


Thanks for you help. I'm a newbie to audiophile audio.


Comparing the 13k? Borresen X3 to $50K+ speakers is ludicrous. Too many Audiophiles have dreams of grandeur when a component meets most of their biases and budget. Depreciation is determined by percentage not dollar amount. Wilson Audio has one of the highest(speaker)resale values in HEA, much superior when compared to Borresen.

Dayglow......You will have to excuse our good member,,He owns the X3 Borresen speakers so take his comments with a grain of salt and lack of knowledge.The X3 is actually 11k msrp or was,maybe its gone down .Although big discounts abound with that brand it appears right now, but i agree only fools venture to make that comparison.Thanks for pointing out the depreciation is a % thing not an actually dollar amounts which i guess some dont quite get yet.

Dayglow......You will have to excuse our good member,,He owns the X3 Borresen speakers so take his comments with a grain of salt and lack of knowledge.

Correction...I own a X6 and i also own many other speakers. I have also owned speakers that retailed for 60k+....Schweikert, Wilson Wamm, etc in the past.. I even owned the TAD Reference for a decade or more.

You all can’t fool me anymore with that grand facade, got it?

As you all kept going up in price, i kept coming down in price because i started figuring out how to create that flagship sound or whatever at a lower price. It took me about 20 years though to figure out such things (no biggie).