Importance of streamer in audio chain

I have a wiim pro with a Deshelli dac 4399 chip and sparks op amps. Would I notice a difference by upgrading my streamer? My other equipment is a Rogue cm2 and Falcon Q7 speakers. 


In audio everything matters, and that certainly holds for streamers and DACs.  

Yes. Each is important. My streamer is one of the most expensive components in my system. My rule of thumb is that while you must reseach with great care and purchase the very best at the price point:  30% speakers, 20% streamer, 20% DAC, 20% preamp, 20% amp. This gets you in the right ballpark to get the most out of the entire system.


I own two Aurender Streamers… the one in my main system increased the sound quality enormously, finally putting at the level of my great analog end… now I almost exclusively listen to my digital end.