Starting Over and I need your help

The more I read…….the more I become confused!…..Do I simply need to start over with more carefully selected components?

I currently own a Musical Paradise MP 301 III, Bluesound Node 2i, Omega 7 speakers, and a Rotel RCD 06 SE CD player. To me, this system sounds underwhelming, especially when streaming. I use Apple Music as a source but I am open to switching to another. I only play CDs and stream and do not see myself incorporating vinyl into the mix. Musical tastes are jazz and acoustic. The room size is smallish home office. By the way, I also own a Parasound Zamp that I currently don’t use because I do not have a preamp……should I sell or keep that?

I am willing to sell it all, if needed, to get better sound.  If you were me, what would you change or keep? My total budget would be under $3000 and by buying some used I bet you guys can help me figure out what I should pursue within Audiogon to purchase.

Many thanks in advance for your expertise and opinions!


Raleigh NC





Good sounding audio typically takes effort. Research and careful choices. However, the good thing is that you have a system to start with. Typically most of us all really start there… then you carefully choose one component to replace after another. If we assume your speakers are adequate, then the place to start is a good solid integrated amp. You want to sell any extra equipment you have and reach as high as possible up the quality level.

There is a couple choices. If you are simply trying to get a really good sounding system then I would look at the highest quality, powerful NAD or Rotel integrated amplifier you can buy… preferably used, so you can be getting a really high quality one. No extra functions, just preamp and amp. If you want tubes, look at PrimaLuna. This replacement should kick the performance of your system way up.

If on the other hand you have aspirations of high end audio system some day, then a used Pass integrated amp (lots of details, punch and musicality) or if you want tubes a Audio Research I-50 is a musical wonder with detail and musicality with natural presentation.

this should kick your system into a really enjoyable place and give you the basis for additional improvements as is convenient for your finances.


All of these brands are highly regarded and reviewed… so you can read multiple reviews on them and start becoming acquainted with the literature on audio. Stick with Stereophile, The Absolute Sound and HiFi+ for reviews. These are the most reputable and neutral.


I agree with much that has been aforementioned. 

If speakers please you build around them. They are not a difficult load therefor offering many choices toward amplification. I would 1st purchase a line level integrated amplifier at 50-100wpc. After appreciating the improvements that brings I would then research and purchase an outboard DAC to be used with your Node and CD player. Then one could consider upgrading the power supply to your Node or consider another streaming option later. 

Take each step at a time, considering you need not spend your entire budget on the amplifier, thus saving some for the DAC.  I would suggest you start another thread on each item. 

I also think a $60 expenditure on the book 'The complete Guide to High End Audio' by Robert Harley to be beneficial.

Good luck in your quest.


you have two major issues underperforming amp and loudspeakers


the omegas are not going to have any real clarity a whizzer cone doesn't have the resolution of clarity of a modern tweeter

Before you change anything, maybe your expectations are just very high. Is your room set up properly? Maybe try near field listening. I have heard six figure systems that sound as you describe. Keep in mind, we are listening to recordings. If you ever have heard an ensemble of musicians playing at a park, auditorium, or some other place, without the use of amplification (non amplified)? I certainly have, and these "sounds" of the instruments cannot be duplicated by a hifi system. Many people who think this can be accomplished, some having BIG MONEY systems and awesome rooms, cannot get this (I am sure some might come close). I   adopted the reality when I was in my teens (I am 70) that recordings, all recordings, have limitations. Many have less, many have more, but limitations exist. If you read some of my posts here, you will understand what I listen to with a hifi rig. So, what is your system not doing for you? My best, MrD.