Ethernet cables

Long time audiophile here but, more of a rookie regarding streaming. My basic question is should I upgrade my ethernet cables and what price point would be reasonable for my application.

The streamer is in a secondary system and is used only for casual listening. The streamer is hardwired to the system. At this point I do not have a streamer in the main system.

Below is a list of the gear in system 2.

The streamer is a Node 2i with the power supply upgrade from LHY (a DIY kit) sourced from Beatechnik out of Singapore. Not using the internal DAC but, feeding the digital signal to an outboard DAC.

DAC - Luxman DA-06

Preamp -  Simaudio P5.3

Amp - McCormack DNA-500 (yes, way overkill power wise for the system but, I love the very relaxed sound of this amp)

Speakers - Dynaudio Contour 30i

Cables - Primarily Transparent Ultra mm2 generation.

Internet is from my cable provider via coax cable.

There are three short cat 6 ethernet cables (5'). One going from the modem to the router, one from the router to the wall connection for a 100 foot cat 7 run in the attic and one at the system end wall connection to the Node. The short cables are Amazon Basics cat 6. The 100 foot cat 7 was sourced from Amazon with one of those never heard of names - Snanshi which, seems to be fairly decent but, I wouldn't really know.

So, do I upgrade the Amazon Basics cables and if so, what would be a reasonable choice?



Ag insider logo xs@2xmwh777

@mwh777 I own the Supra, which has been built by Audio Sensibility with the Telegartner connectors. It is sitting on the floor currently ever since I bought the sotm dcbl cat 7 cable. The sotm improved the sonic quality, but it is so very slight for the money. The Supras are pretty reasonable in price so if you were to replace 3 short links with this it wouldn’t hurt, but again for background music I/you probably wouldn’t know the difference.

AS Supra

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hey crock fan, 

Maybe you should read this- unlike ASR it is a real review from a real electrical engineer

PS Audio Lan Rover

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Great place to start is the Supra Cat 8, it's a really good cable for not much money. Just make sure to buy it from a good dealer. Madisound is a certified reseller, as is Sjofn HiFi on eBay. I use several Supra cables in my system, where I don't need really high end cables....they are very underrated