Isolation platforms for Cube Audio Jazzon speakers

Townshend platforms are clearly excellent, but are there any more affordable alternatives?  I can't drill into the bottom of the speakers.  At the moment, I have the speakers on MDF pieces of wood supported on the corners with rubber/foam/rubber clad pads and really have no complaints, but I know how much SQ improvement I got with Iso-Acoustics GAIA footers under my Spatial Audio speakers, but have no way to mount them on the open bottom of the Jazzon speakers.  Thanks for any suggestions.



A very reasonable and erudite response, pointing out alternatives.  You and Charlesdad are always helpful with your responses.  Thanks very much... I will experiment.  

I had my Dynaudio C1 Signatures playing for a week and loved the directness and detail of their performance, but I like the Jazzon's even more.  The Cubes just sound more like musicians playing in the room and not like speakers playing music in the room, to put it one way.  There is such an effortlessness and ease to the music with the Cubes and they love Don Sachs/Lynn Olson's new 300b monos.  

There is such an effortlessness and ease to the music with the Cubes and they love Don Sachs/Lynn Olson's new 300b monos

Sublime I have no doubt.



I ordered the Townshend Seismic Sound Bars today for my speakers. They are less than half the price of the Seismic Platforms and might be nearly as efficacious.  I am sure that they will be a nice improvement.

My Italian friend with upgraded Nenuphars has recently purchased the new Qualio speakers and prefers them his Cubes. The Qualio's have gotten fab reviews in 6 Moons and elsewhere and are half the price of the Nenuphars.  I'd be keen to hear them sometime.  

Check out this thread, in the Misc section for another option.


Thanks Ozzy, these seem quite affordable and effective, but there is no way to attach them to the bottom of the Cubes, so the Townshend Platforms or Sound Bars are the best alternative.  

This comment from the company seems very dubious:  

Here is what Stack Audio replied to my question.

"The AUVA Loudspeaker Isolators have a burn in time to let the particles settle. We estimate around 6-7 hours although customers have noted continuous improvement up to the 20-hour mark in the past."

"Just a follow up note – I should also mention that several customers comment that no burn in time is required and there is an immediate impact. I think it varies on a case-to-case basis.
