Audioquest or Nordost for speaker cable

I have all Nordost IC but have been impressed by Audioquest power cable and am thinking of changing my speaker cables to Audioquest Thunderbird zero. I currently have Nordost Heimdall. Do you think that’s a good idea, Thanks.


Every system is different. I've listened to the Nordost Tyr2 and Valhalla 2 in my system. I prefer the Tyr2 in my system. 

Speaker cables can make or break a system. My main system, i have Dynaudio Speakers and Sugden Amps. I found that WireWorld is a great pairing for that equipment. My Second system in the basement, I am running Another Sugden amp, with PMC Twenty5.22i speakers. I have Madison Audiolab Cables, they are a very neutral cable, sound perfect. I tried a $3000 pair of Verterre Speaker cables in the basement, and they sounded like someone covered my speaker with blankets.


Only Demo cables you don't have to buy if you are fortunate.

Well guys your excellent advises and lots of thinking has convinced me to stay with Nordost. I almost went for Valhalla 2 but held myself back as the price was too rich for my wallet. Then I started look at Tyr 2 but same as before too expensive so I just ordered Frey 2. I hope I made the correct decision and will not be disappointed. Thank you all.

If your wallet is feeling violated, you could always pick up Nordost (Asian equivalents) for 70, 80 bucks on Aliexpress....

Aliexpress is an excellent cost saving resource for struggling audiophiles. It has saved many a marriage, college funds, retirement accounts, etc over the ages.

Hope that helps.


@deep_333 …”If your wallet is feeling violated, you could always pick up Nordost (Asian equivalents) for 70, 80 bucks on Aliexpress....”


Yeah, but the only thing they have in common is the name. Better to buy a budget speaker cable from a non-fraudulent company.



@deep_333 …”If your wallet is feeling violated, you could always pick up Nordost (Asian equivalents) for 70, 80 bucks on Aliexpress....”

Asian equivalents... @deep_333 you’re one heck of a comedian dude!

@couger4u While there pick yourself up an Asian equivalent of Rolex, Louis Vuitton slippers and Versace pajamas. Don’t limit yourself to just fake Nordost. Equip yourself properly for a good listening session. 

All jokes aside, enjoy your Frey 2 cables. They should be awesome.