Focal v Wilson

how would folks that have heard both compare a Focal Alto Utopia BE to a Wilson Watt/Puppy 7?



Between the two I’d go with the Wilsons. Better balanced too to bottom. You will get a more realistic presentation with better dynamics. Wilson Audio customer service will most likely take care of you no matter what you may need for the speakers. Focal customer service for an older model like that you really need to research to be sure they are able to support your needs. 
I also agree on the amplifier being a concern with either model. Consider amp upgrade down the road. 

thank you - on the amp, can anyone that looks at the technical specs of my solid state amp that I posted above say if it will drive modern type speakers?

your amp will drive a lot of speakers. Maybe all of them. The question is synergy, and what your ear enjoys the most. I wouldn't start with the most expensive pairing, at the top of your budget, how would you know you wouldn't be happy with a speaker at e.g. at x/2.


I suggest that, whatever you end up buying, buy cheap cables first. Really cheap. Like $50 tops. Don't buy expensive cables before you are reasonably happy with the rest of the system.

At that point AUDITION any cable you want, so long as you can return it for a full refund. See if it's worth the cost. In YOUR system.

IMO, cables are the lowest bang for buck in the chain. IMO. For example, I bought Magnepan DWM bass panels to augment my 4 Quad ESL's. I set up using 12AWG power cord. Liked the sound so bought a top-rated 11 AWG oxygen-free copper cord in a star-quad configuration from the top Japanese manufacturer. Starquad was a little better. In my system. To my ears. 


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