Focal v Wilson

how would folks that have heard both compare a Focal Alto Utopia BE to a Wilson Watt/Puppy 7?



I’m not a Dali or Borrenson dealer like audiotroy, so I have no financial interest in my comment. And since you asked about Focal and Wilson, I own and prefer the Wilson sound. W/P 7 is great. BTW, the earlier Wilsons with the inverted tweeter sound great to me in that application; ie. the ’harshness’ comments usually poo-poo Wilsons in general, and very likely haven’t heard them properly fed or set up. I can’t think of a speaker that I would rather have, that can do more, brings more satisfaction, and competes across the board with the W/P 7 - under $8-10K used. My opinion.

Thanks to all ... very helpful

my thinking was getting a used 20K speaker for 8 to 10 would provide better value/quality than new at the same price point

Audiotroy says: there are some truly breathtaking newer speakers that offer 20k level sound for half

so additional question: is there a new speaker at 8 to 10K that beats out the mentioned focal/wilson models? i hadn't come across anyone saying that in reviews

i do know its personal ... this is to support my system going into a larger shop space (40' x 40') where it will get more "exercise time"

i can barely pronounce "audiophile" so all suggestions welcomed!

I've tried and disliked Focal and Wilson speakers and am now well and truly in the Sonus Faber camp. May not be the best for headbangers however.

I would look at the ATC SCM40 v2. They just had the price dropped to $6K a pair from $8K, and compete with both yet with a far smoother tweeter. I think they would be a better match to your amp. They are also easy to drive and place in a room, as you don’t have the complications of a port (they are sealed boxes).