Could Class D really be that good?

I've heard statements praising modern class D amplifiers all the time but was sort of hesitant to try. Lately, one particular model caught my eye, the Fosi V3, which costs sub $100 but is praised for having refined sound like class A/B. To fulfill my curiosity, I quickly ordered one and tried it with my Burchardt S400II and Wharfedale Linton speakers. Basically, this is a neutral sounding amp but, to my surprise, the sound is clean, open, airy, with full mids, wide soundstage, good imaging/separation, with nearly null traces of the edginess, dryness, or lean sound that traditional class D amplifiers have. The background is just as quiet as my current systems. The core is the TPA 3255 chip from TI and comes with a 32v, 5A power block, which is supposed to deliver approximately 65 watts per channel (into 8 ohms). It drives the S400II/Linton without any hesitation, as well as my 130-watt-per-channel high-current Parasound A23. Very impressive.

Measurement is not everything. However, according to the lab test results, when operated under 10-60 watts, the distortion level (THD) is below 0.003%, better than a lot of high-end (price) gears. I am going to build around it for my fourth system with upgraded op-amp and LPS. I believe it will outperform my current mid-end (price) amplifiers.

I know, I know, quite a few Audiogoners' systems are above $100k, and mentioning this kind of little giant that costs a fraction could be rather embarrassing. But I thought this is just like gold digging with a lot of surprises and fun. Don't you think?


+1 mr decibal

Recently, Steve Guttenberg compared several class D amps on his YouTube channel. worth listening to

I have both a Ric Shultz EVS 1200 and a LSA Voyager 350 Gan amp. Both are great amps, especially for <$3000. I've seen an occasional Voyager listed for under $2000

@jl35 They are pretty much the same based on my recollection after seeing several reviews and demos. I decided on v3 primarily because of its pre-out feature, so I could do bi-amping later on with other class A amp.

For those contemplating the question of this thread, you aren't the only ones:


It took you two days to reply and that is all you can come up with?

Yes. Not worth worrying about on weekends.

@atmasphere Ralph, great post and thank you for sharing. I also enjoy your afternoon talk here, which helps me understand some of the intricacies of class D design.