Acoustic Zen Adagio or Revel F208?

I have kind of narrowed it down to these two speakers for a bedroom system. Due to being in a bedroom with the bed and furniture I will not have an ideal setup. I am looking for a speaker that will sound decent at lower volumes. I do have a sub and have an older Coda CSiB integrated. Any input on these choices would be appreciated.

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Hmm that pair must have sold already.

there is still a white and grey pair for $4680. Often the odd colors are cheaper as they are harder to sell I guess. Click on the colors to see the different prices. I bought a pair of grey 228be almost 1/2 off from them and used them for a year or so. They were marked as open box but showed up with the plastic film still on them. I ended up liking the grey more than I expected. All the painted Revels look pretty plasticky though and the plastic parts don’t help the look. But I have heard nothing sound better in their price range… just different  



Darn, I would have jumped on them at $3500. I see the only ones in stock are the walnut at full price. I doubt they will be getting more as the performa line is being discontinued.

I assume they are just discontinuing the older Performa line or is the Performa Be line also being discontinued? I always assumed the Be were the replacements and I was surprised they kept making the performa line. 

If you are deal shopping Revel’s sister company (JBL) also has sales going. These JBL HDI 3600s are worth looking into (1/2 off, $1900 a pair, in oak or grey) if you like a horn sound. I switched from revel to JBL and feel it was a very positive change. The more controlled directivity works well for small rooms. If you are into soft music/jazz the Revel would probably be better with their wide flat dispersion they throw a big soundstage, but I like the added dynamics of JBL and listen to rock and modern stuff, more or less.


Measurements here. 


You would probably find the first post of this thread linked below interesting. There is a direct comparison to the F208 and 226be. Also the JBL 3800 vs F208. 


Ended up with Revel M126be speakers. They will arrive tomorrow. Hope I made the right decision.