One of the things that I have noticed is the kind of music being played to show system performance.  Full disclosure I’m with Infigo Audio. But as an audiophile I think it is important to hear your music in these systems.  Which means non hi rez stuff.  Stuff you would listen to in your system at home. I try to play everything at shows to show our performance.  Some systems to me are all presentation not as much performance. I play funk rock pop classical jazz folk R&B as well as test track to show what a system can do across a genres.  I think it is important to show that a system can perform on all materials. Some systems look good in presentation and sound great on hi rez and test tracks but are not musical involving and may not actually perform well across genres. Thoughts ?


This problem comes up frequently and I don't think there's a solution.  We all like different music.  Music that one person loves drives another person out of the room.  What's a presenter to do?  I sympathize with them because they have 24 hrs to set up a system that is going to be heavily scrutinized in a less than optimal room.

I can understand the use of popular, well recorded standards because they allow comparison between rooms.  Unfortunately, people who go to a lot of shows (not me), hate these recordings.  

Asking people in the room what they want to hear is one solution, but everyone can't get their choice played. Like I said, it's a tough problem for presenters.

I would not sit there very long if Metallica ,Slayer ,the above Youtube tracks or that kind of ´´noise ´´ was playing .

Is this more of your vibe?

The lyrics are quite fitting too for this thread, perhaps...🤣


I would prefer , vocal duo .

More joyfull , and there is more equilibrium and harmony than some posts on this thread .


I have no complaint about what music is played at shows.  I do however hate the volume. they all want to play louder than the room next door.  I can't take it.

I wasn't at Axpona this  year, but, some of Jones' demos seem interesting, i suppose (not the usual overplayed crap in rooms that makes ya blue in the face)...