Should I connect my OPPO BDP 105 to my PontisII?

I should receive my new streamer today and am wondering if I should connect my OPPO BDP 105 to the Pontis II DAC?  The OPPO is currently connected to my preamp via XLR cables.  These inputs will have to change since the preamp inputs will be used by the Pontis.  What would be the best option since the Pontis I2S inputs will be used by the Iris DDC?  It appears that it would have to be either via optical or coax.  


What output are you using from the Oppo?  The HDMI output is for A/V only and doesn’t work for i2S if that’s what you’re using. 

I used the SPDiF out.  (Optical).  I do have the HDMI cable running to my TV.  Would that cause a problem?  If so, how to connect the OPPO to the TV optimally? 

Well, first I wouldn’t use an optical cable for to the Pontus as you’re introducing additional conversions to and from light transmission and it’s limited to 24/96.  Check the settings in the Oppo to make sure the digital outs are active and properly configured, and you also may want to try a 1m wire SPDIF digital cable in case the optical connection on either side is compromised (a regular analog RCA interconnect may work for this too just for trial purposes).  Here’s a decent cable that’s not too pricey if you need one, and you can easily return it if it doesn’t work…

Good luck!

Will do!  Thanks!!!  BTW.  The sound continues to get even better with the new streamer/DDC/DAC.  Full and rich.  Better definition, ect....

Just a question here- if you want to play an SACD, doesn’t that have to be done from the analog outputs of the OPPO? I recall with my Sony XA9000, I used a coax to a Bel Canto dac for CD withe the outputs of the BC into my integrated amp and the outputs of the Sony into another set of inputs on the integrated for SACD. I initially thought it would cause a ground loop, but it didn’t. I don’t know whether your particular setup can do SACD without this setup, but I think the OPPO cannot output DSD data directly. I had a 205 and I don’t think it could. If you don’t play SACDs it doesn’t really matter.