The Psychology of Constant (Equipment) Change

Anybody have an answer?

I have a decent selection of preamps, amps, integrateds and speakers to choose from and I find myself swapping out gear constantly.  And it's not because anything sounds bad.  Quite contrary, really.

After most swapping sessions, I'm generally really satisfied and quite enjoy the sound quality.  But within a few weeks I'm swapping stuff out again.

What would be the diagnosis for my condition?


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Your distinction is  trivial...

There is audiophile in a third category who did way more than buying in a race to "know" the most pieces of gear possible...

Some experiment with very good product at relatively low cost but learning the basic about mechanical and electrical and acoustical controls and this made the difference ...because the basic knowledge is transformative in a way most ignore...

For example learn how to control resonance and vibrations under speakers of any price and call that real audiophile knowledge...

Welcome here by the way...

My best to you 😊


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