The molecular level explanation of "cable burn-in"

According to one cable seller

"The insulation (or dielectric) will absorb energy from the conductor when a current is flowing (i.e. when music is playing). This energy-absorption causes the dielectric's molecules to re-arrange themselves from a random order into a uniform order. When the molecules have been rearranged, the dielectric will absorb less energy & consequently cause less distortion."

So it’s the plastic polymer (as dielectric insulation) to undergo some sort of molecular rearrangements to minimize the distortion. Probably one of the greatest scientific discoveries ever!

“Many premium AC cords constrict or compress the audio transient as their characteristic impedance restricts the transient current.”

We all know impedance restricts current but how possibly “many” premium AC cords constrict/compress the audio transient (when not carrying audio signal)? Then again is it achieved by this molecular rearrangements of the cable insulation?

Unfortunately there are no measurement data or mathematical formulas to be found to back up this amazing scientific discovery. Simply “it happens”. So I came up with a formula for them.

∆E = P - SoT

∆E: energy absorbed by dielectric

P: energy (power) drawn from wall outlet

So : Smake Oile

T: Dielectric Transition Temperature


I am with mahgister: too long by a factor of 5, and if it was really that funny, ok.

Life is short. Jokes: shorter still, preferably.

I must confess my jokes are not always good but short most of the times..

I plead guilty though of writing  too long post...



«My God!  Can i say the bible is too long»-- Groucho Marx 🤓

A joke like a cable must be well insulated and not too long and never cheap.😊

A joke is way better if a bit twisted.

The set of Poynting vectors of a joke is your actual smile when you said it and the potential smiles of others receiving it.