Moving Magnet Phono Cartridges

I probably sound like a broken record (no pun intended) but I still haven’t pulled the trigger on the Hana MC cartridge.  I have been considering a moving magnet cartridge instead and have been researching.   I haven’t found many reviews of the better ones online except for users comments.  

I have been looking at the Audio Technica cartridges, Goldring and Ortofon.   I really wish I could find a Shure V15 or equivalent.  To the users of moving magnet cartridges, can you help me out or steer me in the right direction?


The Soundsmith Voice is the best high output cartridge I have ever had in my system. Less expensive alternatives are the Goldring 1042, Nagaoka MP500 and the Ortofon 2M Black LVB. I am not a fan of AT's less expensive high output cartridges. I have seen to many manufacturing defects such as styluses pointed in comical directions. 

Those latter AT cartridges with comical styli are ideal for humor records.

I recommend AT540mr all the time, it has very good channel separation and tight channel balance, both important for tight imaging. Sound 'magic' is subjective, think preferred rather than better. 

IF you could find a V15mr BODY, with broken stylus (like mine) ypu can buy this Jico stylus for V15MR body, SAS tip on boron. Very nice.

Boron and other 'stiffer' cantilevers yeild a bit tighter bass, subtle difference.

SAS tip, doubt you will hear any difference.

I used the Ortofon Black in a Pioneer PLX-1000 TT and thought it sounded great...

A lot of good ones mentioned..I am enjoying the Soundsmith Carmen mkII..  just a touch of warmth...beautiful, vivid midrange