another rookie question - preamp or or power amp

I have a decent integrated amp ("decent" - to my ears). SS, 50Watts to 8 Ohms. It  has a preamp output. 

I have been looking at used power amps and preamps in the 2-400 dollar range.  

For example: the Parasound 2125 power amp, the Parasound P3

This is an OR question. Which choice will yield a better improvement,

1) if I put a preamp before my integrated so the integrated acts as the power amp

or 2) if I use my integrated as a preamp to a power amp?

It's also a choice to sell my integrated and save up until I can buy both a power amp and a preamp, but obviously I am itching to try one of the above options. 

My room is 15x13 so I am not sure I need a big power amp (big: 100Watts?)



@audphile1 @stuartk

I thought separates were the better direction. But I understand the rationale.

My logic is, I am trying to upgrade one tiny step at a time. First I would get a better power amp or better preamp than what’s inside my current integrated, and then the other component. E.g. when my current integrated sells.

Right now, I couldn’t buy an integrated that’s a step up in any aspect, but $400 on the used market could buy me a decent power amp or preamp,

+1 for upgrading your integrated @grislybutter


TMR has an excellent reputation ... perhaps you could sell your gear to them and pull down some better stuff!


You already  had some answers by members friends  here ...

And i think if you choose well a 400 bucks a power amplifier will go a long road ...😊

But take the time to decide between the power-amp and preamp option and the only integrated ...The best option can wait for you then wait for it reading about these choices and the market offerings ...

If i had money i will buy a LTA Berning  ZOTL tube pre-amp + S.S. power amp ...



i live well with a low cost headphone and speakers system and i lack the experience to advise you about amplification and pre-amplification for sure... my best advise would be as i did,take a long time to pick it and read a lot.... I was happy only after doing this exploration between choices ... Dont let the fever for change push you to act prematurely ...

I wish you the best Christmas for you and your family ...🎄



@grislybutter one tiny step at a time doesn’t get you the upgrade you’re hoping for. Unfortunately that’s true in this hobby. It will get you possibly something different but not necessarily better.
Are the separates better than the integrated isn’t an easy question to answer without knowing your budget, functionality and features you’re looking for, speaker power rating requirements (Dynaudio love power btw), etc.

In the example of Hegel H190, you get enough power to drive your speakers, good low noise design and an excellent built in dac. Going with separates and adding an amp to your current integrated will result a bottleneck presented by the pre-out section of your integrated. I don’t know what it is you have now but substitute Hegel H190 with whatever other integrated (used) your budget would allow if you had sold your current amp and added whatever it is you wanted to spend on the amp. Don’t get hung up on thinking the integrated is a sub optimal approach. It’s not.