Why isn't better quality used gear being made available?


I've been scanning used gear for a while trying to look for an amplifier and a line stage pre-amplifier. To me it seems like quality higher end gear being made available is Limited.  Maybe it's a good thing that all this quality gear I'm looking for doesn't want to be sold .

I have never been able to find used cables that are what I'm looking for from transparent, cardas, ect,  or other worthwhile brands in the mid to upper price ranges. I guess people keep their old used cables in a box and don't even bother selling them . Maybe it follows that Quality used components sit on a shelf in someone's basement not being sold. It's tough giving up quality audio components even if you don't plan to use them and maybe keeping them around as back up or for a third listening room that never happens.



Thank you for your comment but just because someone says it sounds good somehow that's supposed to influence me to buy it. that's the oldest marketing trick in the world

I'm not sure how you can choose new speakers unless you can hear them or you trust a dealer because maybe his opinion matters.  It's very very very very difficult to buy speakers. I used to spend  more money get better speakers but that's not true.  

Your original question was about not being able to find quality used amps and preamps. My answer was an attempt to say that simply isn’t the case. I don’t understand your reference to speakers in your response. Theta and Ayre make amps and preamps (among other things) but neither makes speakers.  


"I used to spend more money get better speakers but that’s not true."

What does that sentence mean?

When it comes to buying speakers I think people tend to feel comfort about what they're buying when it cost more. If I put a $7000 speaker in front of you and a $20,000 speaker in front of you you'll probably say the $20,000 speaker sounds better even if you haven't heard it.

Speaker manufacturers have product lines and in their descriptions it makes it sound like there might be something more to a more expensive speaker but they never really explained why it cost more money. More expensive drivers a more expensive cabinet more expensive crossovers… OK this is nice but it's not really that much more since materials cost are such a small portion of the overall price. It's simply that people feel more comfortable spending more money.

It's a marketing strategy that's all. Are you secure enough to purchase what may be a better speaker for substantially less? Same thing applies to amplifiers and pre-amplifiers. Hopefully the more money you spend the better the product is but is this really the case and if it is why don't they tell you why it's more expensive? They show a $200,000 speaker at a show which very very few people were buy obviously and somehow this makes it easier and more justifiable for you spend $50,000 on a speaker from their product line. It's a marketing strategy that's all and I'm not sure how good it's working.