Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!

Yes indeed.  Several years ago, the absolutely incredible Revel Salon 2 speakers finally took me off the speaker merry-go-round.  I do believe that I'll be taking my Revel Salon 2 speakers to the grave with me.  What's your end-game speakers?


My current speakers will probably be my last.

First off, they are heavy as heck! The flight cases could be used to bury me in. As I am getting older for some reason, I keep buying heavier equipment, maybe I am subconsciously craving the end game to this long journey.

And... they cost more than I should have spent!

They are the Clarisys Minute Planar speakers.


Spatial Audio Labs X5s. 

I thought that it was the end of the rainbow but I've gone through a bunch of different amps finally getting my endgame integrated (Don Sach's Valhalla). Then there is the speaker cables and now there is the source so, as Rosanne Rosannadanna said, "It's always something."

But if money were no object, I would definitely get into a pair of Børresen 01 Silver Supreme Edition. The most amazing sounding speaker I have ever heard at AXPONA. But I don't have $60k for a stand mount speaker. 

@ucrazykid , The Borresen X3 is only 11k and puts many a fuglyaz Wilson in the dust. The 500k Borresens, Magicos, Wilsons, etc are primarily for dudes laundering dirty money (Don't feel bad if the crooked fat tabby cats in this biz told you they've got a bigger Mr.Happy 😁). A music lover whose pockets ain't all that deep could be very happy with the X3 and all the trickledown it got. 

Yes! Pure Audio Project Trio15 Horn1 for me.

I love 'em. I've stopped looking elsewhere.

I currently have AMRITA AUDIO REFERENCE STANDARD speakers. They are the best speakers I have owned. I really liked the Alta Audio Adam but at 18k I will never own them. Several offerings from Von Schweikert would also be on my radar when I win the lottery. But I'd be TOTALLY happy with the unbelievably high value and moderately priced Tekton Moab.