Old records.

I’ve been literally keeping my somewhat recently bought turntable (and accessories) on the shelf and not using it after spending a lot on it (for me.) ( You can take a look on my profile)
After comparing it to my digital side for quite a while I decided the SQ was not nearly as good. So, I put the cover on it and let it lay dormant.
Now I have a collection of about 3000 LPs, mostly from the 70’s and 80’s. And, sad to say, most of them just don’t sound that good. However I’ve recently been playing some newer records, and the sound is wonderful. I know this not supposed to be the case. So, it’s possible all my old records have been somewhat damaged with old or faulty styli. Anyhow I now have a new lease on life with my analog side.


Have you tried a record cleaning machine? Your older records could just be dirty.

I am trying to piece your story together.  First, you say you "recently bought" a TT.  You then say you compared it to your digital system "for quite a while".  So right there is a bit confusing; if you compared your vinyl to your digital for quite a while, how can it be that you just bought the TT, unless by using the term quite a while you mean to indicate a week or two or a month, maybe. Then you go on to say that you own 3000 LPs. That suggests you are a long time vinylista. I have been doing this for more than 40 years, and I too own about 3000 LPs, probably a bit fewer than that.  You also say that most of your (3000) LPs don't sound that good.  But it would take many months or maybe even a year to sample and evaluate even half of 3000 LPs, to enable you to conclude that most of your LPs are lacking.  You go on to say that you recently purchased some new LPs that you like very much.  How recent can that be since you stored your new TT, per the first paragraph?  Regardless of all this, it is good to know you are now pleased with your vinyl.

There is the notion that you prefer the Sound produced from your Digital Source and the Signal Path created between the Source Ancillaries over the Sound produced from the Vinyl Source and Signal Path in place between these Source Ancillaries.

I am late to the Party with Digital and am now a very contented with the use of a CDT > DAC as a Source.

My Vinyl Source was always satisfactory, and excelled a few years past when I adopted PC Triple C Wire cables into the Signal Path, this when being made known become infectious and there are quite a few adopters in my HiFi community.

It took time to get my Digital Source to produce a sonic that was in my assessment a Parity presentation to my Vinyl Source. By Parity, I mean as welcoming to be listened to, but certainly not a like for like presentation.

I would strongly suggest taking a few Albums from the Original Collection and clean them, the after experience can be night and day.

The following is a recommended Cleaner from the Linked Discussion, I would think it best to see how easy it is to get hold of this solution, the thread is long and at times extremely confusing. 


  "Pure Groove Essence - Ready to use"             


Distilled Water                                  679.218  g.         67.9218 %  p.b.w

Ethanol (100.00%).                          296.565  g.         29.6565 %  p.b.w.

Methanol (100.00%)                          20.637  g.           2.0637 %  p.b.w.

BASF Larostat 264A                           2.350  g.            0.2350 %  p.b.w.

BASF Lutensol LA                              1.230  g.             0.1230 %  p.b.w.            

Total:                                             1,000.000 g.            100.00 %  parts by weight

The above 1,000.000 grams will produce:  1.086 liters    

Volumetrically, for those who prefer to view formulations in that format, is as follows:

Distilled Water.                            62.668  %  p.b.v.

Ethanol (100.00%).                     34.600  %  p.b.v.

Methanol (100.00%).                    2.402  %   p.b.v.

Larostat 264A.                              0.214  %   p.b.v.

Lutensol LA                                  0.112  % p.b.v.

Total:                                          100.000 %   parts by volume

Audiogon Discussion Forum



Sorry for the confusing time parameters.  You’re quite right that I can’t have heard the majority of my 3000 records, but I did play a fair sampling.