Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm

I am trying to do my due diligence about this arm. I am just having a hard time getting my head around this idea of zero overhang and no offset. Does this arm really work the way it is reported to do?


@lewm ​​@rauliruegas 

Vinyl has emotional and sentimental ties to the past. It is also a lot of fun. For most people digital is rather boring and they assume it is lifeless. Great digital recordings are stunning and once you get into digital signal processing and all it has to offer the fun is also restored. 

I may have to withdraw my statement that JE listened to an RS Labs tonearm and mentioned it sounded good.  I cannot find the post on VA. Thought I saw it yesterday.  John did acknowledge that the RS Labs has many fans; that's all I can find right now.  Sorry, John, if you are out there, which I doubt.

well the RS Labs is an almost vintage tonearm against the Yamaha and in those all years  audiophiles can change its mind due that were learning in several audio issues almost every day.


@mijostyn  ,  the whole fun behind vinyl is just that a lot of fun, several and different issues/alternatives/ste up parameters/ sevral different cartridges/ the preserve cleaning proccess. It's almost a " religion " all those characteristics and several more, always trying to up-grade/up-date here and there to improve quality reproduction and the other side as you mentioned is that several analog lovers as we are own thousands of LP's.



Right now I am flabbergasted about how good is the Nagaoka MP500 that I also bought in Tokyo last May.  Don't know why it took me so long to mount it for an audition (in my Triplanar on my Denon DP80). To those who don't know, because many refer to it as an MM type, this is a Moving Iron cartridge.  MP stands for Moving Permalloy, which is a little confusing because permalloy is magnetizable. Anyway, this is yet another great MI cartridge.