ARC amp differences.


I got a chance to listen to some Adonis Faber Serifinos the other day and absolutely loved them. They were detailed, but also musical. It was paired with a ARC VT-80. 

I was actually thinking that maybe I go up a notch and look at the ARC reference 80s but it was not available for demo. They did have the ARC 160s.

would it be to assume ithat if I like the 160s with the Serifinos then I would also like the 80s? If I like the 160s jugs that kind of power just overkill. My listening space is 20x14 and I will rarely try and super loud. 


if anyone has other tube amp recommendations pls feel free. I am looking for that slightly warm of neutral sound that holds the detail. 



Have the Arc 160S. Love it.  I would check with Arc or a dealer and ask that question.  I will tell you that overall the ARC sound is warmer in general.  I listened to a lot of amps for over a year before I decided on ARC and have never looked back. Rarely do you need to listen to more than 10 watts but I can’t speak for your room acoustics. 

good luck and let us know how you make out!!

Thabks. Super helpful information. I think the pairing is just amazing so just need to pick the right model. 

ARC 160s and Serafino’s are a great match. I preferred that amp over they Gryphon Diablo 300. I also had an REF 75SE for a while which was my first taste.

BTW - I’ve had nothing but stellar response from Audio Research for all services.


I’m now running the ARC REF 6SE into the 160s with a pair of Sonus Faber Maxima Amators. I’ll let you know how they are compared to the Serafino’s.


good luck….!



You can google Audio Research, then look for ARC data base and you can easily research all models. Helped me with my ARC purchase.