Interesting videos about sounds and music

I thyought it would be an  interesting thread idea to put together any interesting videos about sound and music ...

No songs or music videos please... Only documentary one short or long...



When i listened music all my life i was seeing geometrical pattern dynamically changing in my mind’s eyes...

I always thought that is was meaningless imagination...

I love Bach over any composer because his geometry was stunning for me...

It was not illusions at all...

Listen to this :

Acoustics is geometry dynamics and fractals after all....

Being a lover of Choral music i love particularly children chorus music...

But i am fascinated by bass voice and octavist voice...

What are they ?

The best explanation ever here from the elephant mouth :

here a compilation :


I am interested in ancient instruments and old singing in old language...

Peter Pringle chanel is a treasyry of amazing discoveries.. He is a multi instrumentist linguist vocalist genius...

An exemple here and explore his channel and remind yourself of your last incarnations perhaps 😊:

He sing in sumerian on a reconstructed sumerian instrument...