Project CD Box RS2T and reclocker

Has anyone used a reclocker with a Project CD Box RS2T transport?  What hardware?  Results?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xallvinyl

"C-Lock" sounds like what Wavelength was using as the input receiver back around. the same time! The cable wasn’t the problem though. It was getting the transport and DAC to sync up. A major problem which before the asynchronous input receiver was handled by the IS2 circuitry/cable. IS2 is practically extinct these days!

@thyname : the input receivers of all present day DAC's re-clocks the incoming data. So no need for another black box inserted between transport and DAC.

@thyname : I don't ask you what car you drive. I don't own a computer. I use a DAC that placed fifth on ASR's list of over 100 DAC's. I place my trust in science and proper engineering - not golden ear voodoo!