Effective AC power conditioners for digital??

Have you found power conditioning (not just isolation) to improve the noise floor, dynamics and detail presentation of your CDP? If so what models have you found most effective?
I have had limited experimentation on my front end. But the audio magic really did nice things for me
I have not had good luck with any power conditioner. They always introduce some bug in my system that annoys. They do change the sound, and one must be careful not to accept changed sound as better. By the way...Richard Gray was particularly bad
I use a Arcam prepro(for now)+7B-ssts
and a BCD-1(cdp),all plugged into a Torus.
The Torus is SUPER quiet,Huge sound stage and bottom end.
I also have cdr,turntable,dvdp hooked up.
No noise whatsoever.I am running a sub panel(10guage awg).
I use to use the Hydras and the 2s for my gear.But since the
install of the Torus,she's definately a major upgrade.
If you can try one out,I'm sure you'll never look back.
I've been thru a few conditioners,The Torus is staying just
like my mono blocks.
My experience is that power conditioning for digital sources is extremely effective- i.e. it is not simply a matter of "isolating" the digital from other components.
I find what PtmConsulting says has proven accurate, a variety of complementary conditioning and isolating devices more effective than any 1 unit alone.. I am using a very highly resolving Spectral/MIT system;perhaps that results in the notability of the improvement AC conditioning has made for digital.
I have to agree with Zieman. If you've ever tried a power conditioner on a Krell product, or most other over-engineered solid state products,most of the time they are of little use. Every rule has its exception, but when you're finding a dramatic difference with a power conditioner, you may simply have a device in your circuit that interacts with your audio system in a harmfull way. One of the most cost effective ways to eliminate noise in your system could be to run a dedicated power circuit to your audio system. There are other things to consider as well. I have noticed a dramatic difference in clarity when I turn my sat receiver and my wireless router off. These devices are not on the same circuit, but produce copius amounts of RF. Having said that, I do use a conditioner on my front end. I chose a Tice power conditioner to protect my gear from electrical anomolies and it does improve the sound to some degree but it isn't a mindblowing difference. From my expereince, whether or not you believe in tices TPT technology, they are still fine products. The other nice thing about tice is that no one really remembers the company since it went bankrupt 10 years ago and you can pick up a really nice isolated multi circuit power conditioner fairly inexpensively.

I hope I could help
