Front or Back wall diffusers

Front or back wall diffusers, I have a 14' x 24' x 8' stereo audio room with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers. I want to know which wall to place it on. I have seen many photos with diffusers on the front wall, this is the most recommended, but I have doubts. Please some suggestions.


I would agree in that trend of treatment. The most benefit I have found in my room is from the bass trap.  I have high ceiling (10 ft) and also the WAF so I did not install the bass trap all the way but the immediate sonic improvement from only the back of speakers is noticeable, less reverbration and cleaner vocals.  

Which walls are the front and back. 14ft or 24ft ?

Do you have windows on any of the walls ? 

Floor to ceiling bass traps as others suggest , then in my opinion buy 2 @ 2X4 2" thick absorbers  and 2 of the 2D or curved diffusers , then place them in the front middle and side walls , then swap them . this is the only way to determine what sounds best to you . Then you can add more as needed or wanted .


One thing that hasn’t been brought up is measurements, if you measure it helps confirm your choices. You don’t have to get "technical" to measure. I got a PW Link preamp from paradigm with ARC room correctionfor$199. I use the digital out from the Link into my dac, and presto, check out the before and after. The before graph is already pretty tight because of my room treatments, ARC just dialed in for that last bit of OTT clarity:

The main difficulty with setting up diffuse panels are you do not want them too close to your listening position. Six feet away is the minimum and at least eight feet away is the preferred. The two biggest issues center on the size of bass waves and the distortion of early reflection points. Diffusion of sound using panels is a luxury most people do not have due to the distance requirements. I use two 3D diffuse panel behind my speakers, on the front wall. I sit too close to the rear wall for them to be of any help, so on the rear I use absorption panels so I slow down those reflected sound waves and give the room an illusion of being longer than it truly is. The diffusion panels on the front wall help distribute the sound bouncing off that wall so it becomes even more delayed before it reaches my ears. The idea is to delay and scatter the sound waves around the room.

Talk to GIK.  They’ll give you some good advice given your room and offer products that are relatively reasonably priced. 

IME GIK has great products that I purchase....but their advice has been the same as other pro-audio panel makers...and thus bad for hi-fi....which is to load the room with absorption and create a dead room with low reflections....making the room sound smaller and closed in.

With hi-fi, you don't generally want to absorb the first sidewall reflection unless your speaker is very close to the sidewall...this was first discovered by Floyd Toole during the Harmon listening tests that determined preferences.