Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


Where do you think i get ideas about Helmholtz resonators ?

Tuned resonators are a bad idea for any unskilled audiophiles to dabble in.  They are very narrowband and their response can be screwed up easily in construction.  Measurements to tease out the specific frequencies you need to deploy them can be difficult (due to multiple axis resonances can occur).

A single PEQ filter can solve the same problem and lower distortion of the speaker to boot.

Net, net: don't do it.



@prof Show me where you object to anything Amir has said?




All I see is soft pedaling and brown nosing.

That's what happens when a bias causes you to ignore stuff that isn't supporting your current interpretation.  I mentioned it more than once after posting.

But listening to people online about acoustic science will absolutely lead to screwing up the sound in your room. Don’t do it. Don’t listen to these people.

it is comical if you realize there is top musicians here, designer engineers and others very informed people about all aspects of audio... i dont put myself in this group ... I only know how to read...And i make a few experiments..


You adress grown up as if they were all children...

Why could you not imagine that some if not many here can read and interpret and experiment with ACCURATE principle and information ?

I know for sure a few things about you :

You are able to read and interpet the dials and maps of your toys tools..Thanks for the information...

You dont know how to create "immersiveness in a room...because it is not a simple recipe precisely with the furniture ... It is related to a complex set of factors you NEVER adress...it is not a sin...Most people cannot adress it in a living room, i never could either...But why then disparaging small room acoustic ? You suffer from tool idolatry perhaps...

You have no cue about hearing theories and their relation to measures interpretation in a fundamental way...Sorry... In all this pages you have been unable to set one argument about that... i am not even sure if you understand the basic problem...

Your site has many good aspects but alas! is insuferable if some dare to post there with a different take on hearing and measures than the groupies around you entertain... I know because i read an thread dialogue between a designer and some of your groupies...This designer was a "saint"... Or a very wise man , unlike me, conscious that debating with someone unable to figure out crucial points is of no interest...

Then thanks for the set of measures...But i will keep friends here, i am not interested by a discussion on ASR as the one i had with you with ZERO argument coming from you about my central point in hearing theory and measures set...

i will read only on ASR some useful information like Dr. Choueri discussion...



Tuned resonators are a bad idea for any unskilled audiophiles to dabble in. They are very narrowband and their response can be screwed up easily in construction. Measurements to tease out the specific frequencies you need to deploy them can be difficult (due to multiple axis resonances can occur).

A single PEQ filter can solve the same problem and lower distortion of the speaker to boot.

Net, net: don’t do it.


You spoke to  me as if i was a child and not really there adressing a crowd  and as if i did not do it already with complete success... You are right on one point, it takes me one year of tuning non stop ... It was very fun but very complex... By the way it COST ME NOTHING.... I did it for two reasons :

it was the more fun experience ever in audio ... Upgrading pleasure related to a component dont even compared in fun and upgrading power..

You cannot KNOW IT by reading Toole by the way ,formula are only that : formulas in a book ....This is learned by DOING it...

You are right about a point though, it is so long to do and ask for so many listenings experiments to do it right that i did not recommend it save to someone who want to train his ears and learn dedicated  small room acoustic at all cost and retired because i cannot imagine doing it in the evening after works in a living room  😊..

it was really fun... Each day a new problem arise... Each day i was partially satisfied and frustrated, i searched the timbre problem and how to solve it...It was a slow incremental process like tuning a piano but on one year time ... 

There is also more to say as how to distribute the Hemholtz grid around the room to increase the speakers frequencies response on some band to compensate for the room , because the speakers had his frequencies response and the room too but i will not be able to describe that here...Anyway it is not useful save if someone want to experiment... No speakers is the same and no room either...  The main problem was creating a timbre experience right, the second was at the same time creating the right ratio relating sound sources positions and dimensions and the listener position , it is called ASW/LV... japanese acoustians research was inspiring and useful for me here...

The reason i did not like your attitude  now is because you never spoke to me really, you adressed the crowd reading the posts and you swim to keep your face clean, drowning the fish ... You had no good faith in this discussion ... It is my conclusion... or if you were of goode faith, you are completely ignorant out of your tools manual of use... I dont know.. Anybody reading my posts and your answers can figure it out for himself ...







531 posts


There is more to audio life than proving 1+1 = 2. You have that part down pat. Think harder problems.

Oh, I think of the hard problems.  I have purchased $100K speaker measurement system and put up with schlepping around these heavy boxes around to test them to solve that hard problem.  I also spent years educating myself on acoustic science.  I suggest you stop trivializing the topic and leading people to screw up the sound and look of their rooms.

That’s a hell of an investment. $100k on a measurement system as opposed to $100k on a system. Whatever boat you float….