ARC REF 6 upgraded by ARC.

I have an ARC REF 6 I bought in 2019. I just upgraded my amp to the ARC REF 750. I now want to upgrade my REF 6. Does ARC still do this  I now I should call them to see but it’s Fri night and probably wolnt be opened til Monday. And I really would like to know before that. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

@tattooedtrackman  I read Stereophile's review on the 6SE upgrade and I'd be a little concerned about the possible exchange of transparency for "body." Might be worth considering before you change the flavor of your rig.

@brunomarcs   I was thinking the same exact thing if u have to send in your 6 and wait 6 mon ? Or they put I on a waiting list and maybe 2 weeks before they get to u u send it in.  I’m think that. Also that’s a lot of amps to have for them to store until they are ready for u. And now like me that is my only pre amp. 

@noromance   well for me I will have a brand new sound anyway with the REF 750s from my Krell FPB 600. I never heard the sound of my REF 750s with my 6 until they come delivered to me. So I’m very excited about that and the 6SE. 

I don’t believe you have to send it in until they’re ready for it


 they don’t want to be storing a bunch of private gear

Congrats on your new system 🙂👍 those components are what I would consider the end of the upgrade ladder. I hope your reality is as good as my imagination.