Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.



My take- don't worry about the "likes" or positive feedback from your posts. (It's a dopamine hit, I know). Instead, just contribute where you can here, there and elsewhere. 

I got frustrated back in 2014 that none of the sites were addressing my particular interests so I started my own. (It's not a high traffic, forum type place, more for my own musings, and a fair amount about records, not gear).

I take breaks from this place and others. There are still some good contributors here. Sometimes the s/n ratio isn't good but I just ignore it or don't visit for a while. 

If your health is still decent and you enjoy the hobby/music/whatever your angle is, that's really all that counts. 


@elliottbnewcombjr I also have enjoyed and learned from your postings.

Still somewhat of a newbie, I have often referred to your postings for quite a few topics.

Hopefully you will check in from time to time.

All the best to you!


1,195 posts


ok, now that I see things clearly....

This was a retirement party scam!


I retired 12 years ago, no party then or since.

We had an elderly stock broker and his son-in-law in our car pool to/fm NYC.

Every single morning: "I'm gonna tell them I'm retiring TODAY. Every evening, "I'm gonna tell them tomorrow".

Went on for years, until one day he didn't come out with his son-in-law. Sadly had passed away.