Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused

17 of 23 speakers in my studio and home theater systems are internally powered. My studio system is all Genelec and sounds very accurate. I know the best new concert and studio speakers are internally powered there are great technical reasons to design a speaker and an amp synergistically, this concept is much more important to sound quality than the vibration systems we often buy. How can an audiophile justify a vibration system of any sort with this in mind.


@kota1 "Gone in 60 Seconds " was a big movie we shot in Long Beach Ca for nearly 3 months at night and about 2 months in other locations, it was very grueling. 

I think @thespeakerdude is for real, I don't know the audiophile world yet but I do know the physics of sound and he gets that right.

I saw your thread on sound measurements, curious as to why so much info on SPL and so little info given by way of frequency polar patterns?

@donavabdear ,

but not frequency polar patterns what could be more important

The heat graph I posted is a frequency polar pattern graph.


Even the few frequency polar patterns I’ve seen with speakers rarely show anything in the back of the speaker

Note the graph legend on the left. It goes from 180 degrees at the top (backwards) to 0 in the center (straight forward) and to -180 degrees on the bottom (backwards again).


But the consumer market is not the professional market. I doubt any consumer speaker manufacturer supplies a heat graph like the one I posted. They seem to try their hardest to supply as little information as possible. That graph is from an independent review site.

Compare that to literature from a professional speaker manufacturer:



I don’t know the audiophile world yet

When you start auditioning those active systems you will quickly get a feel. As for your BFF all he does is argue. The fact that he can’t recommend a system should tell you the guy is clearly a DIY person and not even a very good one.🤡


They seem to try their hardest to supply as little information as possible.

What are you talking about? You have supplied 0 information about your system, your speakers. any possible creds and now you wanna complain about providing information. I got a great idea, lets start a speaker company and refuse to disclose how we are different.😮

I just threw a dart at Paradigm and look how much info is available on just this one speaker. Do you even own a speaker?

EVERY company lists competive advantages of their brand everywhere. You must never have shopped for speakers yet.🤡

@donavabdear ,


I do appreciate the endorsement, unfortunately some people are far more interested in looking right when on the Internet, than being right. Nothing interferes with that more than someone competent participating, especially when they don't raise issues that are controversial. Quite a lot of projection going on though.