The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


The wsa Purple fuses are everything a synergistic purple is ,then another level in detail depth of instruments huge sound stage and more  realism , the synergistic purple  are a good fuse but 2 dimensional  compared to the QSA purple ,but at $358 with shipping not cheap.

Are there differences between the slo-blow and the fast-blow? Otherwise it would make sense to always order the slow-flow? I don't know what my amplifier needs (Primare I35).

@ajessner Hi, Fast Blow (F) Fuses are usually used for Power Amps and Slow Blow (T) are used for just about everything else.

Take your fuse out and have a look, it's located just below the power cable inlet.

It'll be 20mm long but there are 38mm long fuses too.

If buying a SR Purple fuse go up one level, so an 8A will become 10A.

I now have a complete loom of the SR Purple fuses and couldn't be happier. Anyone else have all SR purple fuses?
