Received my Wadia i170 transport today.

Just wondering if anyone else has received one? Impressions? I'll post my impressions in a few days.
My 170 iTransport was working fine with my iPhone, until I got the new 3G iPhone. Now it doesn't work properly. It keeps disconnecting at random times. Airplane mode shuts off, and the little chime sounds like when you are plugging it in to charge it. Then the message displays again (as normal) about airplane mode blah blah. So I'm thinking there is a connection issue with the plug, perhaps some slight difference in pins?
Can anyone please explain if or why this configuration should outperform Foobar or iTunes on a laptop exported through USB to an external DAC?

I care about sound quality, but I don't care about playlists and I don't care about consolidating my music collection on a handheld device.

Thank you,
We have a 40gig Ipod dock model. I can't seem to get a straight answer from Wadia. Will this model work with the i170?
When I change tracks, foward tracks for example, I got a noise, very harsh, dull, digital noise maybe, even if I press pause first and then change tracks, I still got a potentialy dangerous noise for my speakers, does any one knows how to avoid this?'