Beatles vs. Stones

Which do you prefer?

I'd have to go with the Rolling Stones although I do love Revolver.

And you?


There is no basis for the conjecture. You might as well ask who you prefer - Burt Bacharach or the Black Crowes.


Frank Sinatra.

lol... I guess if I had to pick B or RS, it'd have to be Beatles... but I love both, so... 

This is a bit like comparing the Bee Gee's and Barbara Streisand.  

The Beatles and the Stones were very different bands.

@waytoomuchstuff - I was thinking the same thing, but there were some parallels in career trajectory, especially in their earlier days. Like the Beatles put out 'Sgt Pepper' and the Stones replied with 'Their Satanic Majesty's Request'. And while I did really like about half the songs on 'Satanic Majesty's, the other half, uh, not so much, so Sarge beats out the Majesty for me.