Upgrade to a better server. Ideas?

I have a lumin x1 and would like to upgrade my server, which is now a nucleus.

Is there anything out there that just satisfies the server needs without going into the streamer and DAC stuff?



Im not sure if a different server will make a significant difference in sound quality but if you have a "larger" music collection you might want to give Andrew Gillis at Small Green Computer and look at one the i5, i7, or i9 servers.  Also consider  watching a few of Andrew's video or better yet email / call him about cabling and the use of fiber.  The X1 is a good piece of equipment.  I would see how he suggests leveraging its capabilities.  

I'm not associated with SGC just very happy with their customer support and equipment. 




The zenith has streamer capabilities which I don’t need.

I am only focusing on the server.

If the server has the streamer it may impact Signal delivery and I already have a streamer as part of the lumin x1 which seems fine

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