CD Player with digital input?

I am looking for CD Player ideas. I like the idea of finding a player that has digital input to that I can send it digital input from a sonos ZP80 and in doing so no longer need my Benchmark Dac1 and be able to sell the Benchmark to help offset the cost of the CDP. (unless of course the cpd's with digital inputs cost $700 more in which case it becomes irrelevant.
My other components are:
McIntosh MA6900, B&W 805s.
Currently using a cheapo toshiba xa2 hd dvd player to send coax to the Benchmark. The sound improvement was so much over the sonos fed WAV files going to the benchmark and I am curious about what a "REAL" CDP can do in my room.
Thanks in advance!
From my experience: The Wadia's are pretty good and if you get the i versions (this means they have the inputs) then mission accomplished. They are a bit dryer in my opinion than either of the other two. Audio Aero Capitole, this is a beautiful sounding tubed CD player that costs a lot of money is may be catagorized in the not totally reliable list in terms of longevity. The resolution Audio Opus 21 is good, the GNSC modded version is very, very good. Of these three, this would be my recommendation. I run this with a Cambridge Audio Azur hard drive system this way and it is quite good. I don't know the difference in performance/sound between the Cambridge vs. the Sonos. But like your intent, the Cambridge is used for convenience, background music - certainly not critical listening.
Not sure if anyone is reading this beside me, but...
I just got finished with a stock audio opus. I kept it for 2 weeks and sent it back. I fould no real improvement over the sonos to benchmark dac sound in my system and for $3500, I needed some real improvement.
No real harm doen though. Res Audio in CA was great about sending me a player and taking my return. Paid a 5% restocking fee which also covered round trip shipping.
I wish that I had Wadia money, but I dont. Next I am going to try the Cambridge and will also consider a used simaudio supernova.
I really liked the the esoteric SA-10 that I demo'd, but it didnt have a digital input.
Jimmy, there are a few of us reading! :-) Interested in your Cambridge assessment.

Do yo find the dvd to Benchmark sound "flat" like the Sonos to Benchmark? If so, try to borrow a different DAC. I like the Benchmark, but IMHO it is on the "lean" side. You might try a tube DAC unit for comparison's sake.

Good Luck
