Has anyone noticed a slow down in sales?

Usually when I list something on Audiogon I sell it within a week but lately a lot of zero activity even after checking blue book. Notice any slow down?


Well if my money isn't going to be worth anything may as well put into something that will be worth something to me. I'm good at growing potatoes.

....lucky, we've got the momentum to carry us into end of 1st and into 2nd, and stuff in the pipes.....

Got reserves, for a change.

Stupid lucky?  Our timing is working, good crew and rep.... ;)

Can't get cocky, just git down...

(Under The Pressure, The War on Drugs; concert version or vid....)

I noticed things slowing down around Sept/Oct of 2022- seemed like the same listings just sat there- especially big ticket. These times are great if people are selling gear to raise funds- opportunities to be had. New gear at the dealer- not so much.

I usually wait until Feb or March to sell stuff.   Hopefully someone's tax return is burning a hole in their pocket.   It's tough selling toys in a bad economy,  but some stuff sells regardless if you price it right and are patient 

Prices being charged are too high.  I've definitely noticed a pricing structure being used and they don't make sense.  I've made offers at reasonable prices and they go unanswered.  Recession coming in 2024 - may actually start in Q4 of this year.  People are going to have alot of $$$ tied up in inventory so discounting isnt too far down the road.