Couple of OCC Speaker Cable Options

I have found a couple of OCC speaker cables that I’m interested in buying and wanted to see if anyone here has any experience with either?

Xangsane fever grade 12TC OCC:

SKW OCC Speaker Cable:


I am trying the Micca in my system currently and have two others that I am testing as well. For the money the Micca is great but it will not hold its own to higher end cables imho. I will report back once the 3rd cable arrives. 

@lak - I just ordered two 6’ pairs of the Micca cables. I use a switch in my system so have to get two sets to cover from amp to switch and from switch to speakers. They will be replacing BLC 10AWG. Let’s see what $60ish can do…


Did you do the YouTube review that referenced them as being superior to Nordost Blue Heaven?

@mceljo, as I mentioned in my first post on this forum, I just had to try those cables because I was watching a YouTube video that Steve Huff made and he spoke highly of that speaker cable. After a break-in on my cable cooker, sure enough, those speaker cables are darn good, especially for the price. No, they are not in my main system however I do use them in my secondary systems along with a variety of other speaker cables.

The Micca 14 cables are in my system and have replaced my BJC 10 AWG cables for now.  They are probably in the 30-40 hour range. I’m really torn about how they make me feel, but honestly cannot definitely describe how they sound in comparison. 

There’s a part of me that’s enjoying them because they seem to be a bit smoother, but they certainly didn’t add any clarity.  There seems to be a little less glare and I feel that they may be less fatiguing, but something also feels missing that I can’t put my finger on. 

I need to reinforce my expectation bias. What should I be hearing? LOL