Compact ~20WPC Tube Amp

I should say 20WPC or more....

I’ve been trying to use a 8WPC 300B SET (Sun Audio) with some vintage bass reflex studio monitors from the 70s (96dB) and it’s clear that I need a bit more power. Everything sounds really awesome but the highs will distort at anything beyond low-medium volume which has been fine but I want to play a little louder sometimes!

Space is limited so I need a stereo amp or maybe small monos are possible.


I will have to throw a few votes in there for the "talk to Aric" comment.

Ive spent the last hour after getting home from work. Listening to a nice mix of mellow male and female vocal/jazz. Playing my Innuos Zen thru a Pontus II To a Aric Audio 6sn7 preamp (currently running Linlai tubes) and Aric Audio Super KT88/120 SET amplifier (currently running Westinghouse 6sn7gtb tall bottles and KT170's in triode). At the end of the line I have a pair of Spatial M3TM's that you would never know were even in the room! Arics pieces are just amazing you should  honestly reach out to him. I don't disagree with previous recommendations as I have no experience with most. 

I do know that my experience with Aric is nothing short of amazing, a good honest man!


Get in touch with Will Vincent here on Audiogon or over on Audiomart. He always has some sweet ST70’s for sale.





I've had my Quicksilver Minimite monoblocks for the past 17 years and still truly enjoy them with some of my British monitors. Linn Kan I and KEF Reference Series Model I (similar to the LS3/5A BBC monitor).   If you can find a used pair in nice shape for around $750 I think you'd really like them.  

If you want to purchase new,  then the Quicksilver horn monoblocks at around $1600 the pair might make sense.  They're 25 watts per channel but sound much more powerful.

Good luck! 😀



I would consider Linear Tube Audio LTA products. I have owned both Quicksilver and LTA to drive Zu Audio and loved them both. Quicksilver a little more typical tube sound while LTA loses the syrup and exchanges it with clarity, inner detail but keeps the smooth and fatigue free presentation.

Check out the Unison Research Triode 25. It is an EL34 based Push Pull that is 25w. It’s a nice amp and should address most of your issues. At $4500 retail it is on target in terms of pricing. It delivers the quality that you want. They have good support in the US as the distributor is strong.

PrimaLuna, Decware, and Line Magnetic would all be viable alternatives in your price range.  You could also look around to see if you could find a used, Art Audio Carissa.  Hell of an amp.  

Full disclosure...I am a Unison dealer.