speaker cable question

im trying to find new pair of cables im looking at the following pair

crystal clear audio magnum opus 2

harmonic technology pro 13 and 11 reference 

shunyata venom 


just wondering what anyone thought of them and how they sounded etc pros cons 


I tried various Nordost speaker cables up to Heimdall along with the new Venom X and ended up liking the "regular" Venom in my system.  My previous cables were Reality Cables, an old mail order only brand.  The Venom were the only ones I liked better than the Reality ones and it was not even by a lot. I wanted bananas on both ends. The Reality had them on one end. That's the only reason I was looking.

You should do yourself a favor and check out Darwin Cables. Check out their specials page as well and give them a call. Single, solid core silver cables as thin as you hair within larger tubing that simulates air for a dielectric. Low mass ends as well so not to dirty up the sound. 

Great guys to talk to and they have a 30 day return policy if you don't like them. Here's a simple video of what they make. No gimmicks or huge PR budget to fluff things up.


All the best,

@nonoise Thanks for bringing Darwin Cables back to my attention.  I remember reading intriguing things about their cables years ago but unfortunately forgot about them.  Another company that also uses exclusively silver wire in their products is LavriCables that I found through building my reference HeadFi system.  In reading through the Darwin site I noticed they refute the common misconception that silver cables = bright “if it’s done right.”  Using my ears with my several LavriCables tells me the same thing — no harshness or brightness whatsoever.  

I also hear the same thing with my Acoustic Zen Silver Reference ICs in my big rig and also through cryogenically-treated silver VooDoo interconnects I reviewed years ago.  Bottom line, not all silver cables are bright and, done right, can be superior to copper and a super value for the performance characteristics on offer.  Anyway, thanks for jogging my memory on Darwin cables, and I hope lotsa people put them, along with the others mentioned above, on their radar because if they don’t they’re missing out.   Just my experience and opinion FWIW. 

@soix , I couldn't agree more about the misconceptions some have with silver cables. Properly made, they just get out of the way of the music allowing it to sound full, bold, deep, textured, extended, airy, smooth and silken, depending on the recording.

There's that caveat that since they get out of the way of the music, what you have left is the speaker, amp, source and recording to deal with. 😄

All the best,


There's that caveat that since they get out of the way of the music, what you have left is the speaker, amp, source and recording to deal with. 😄

@nonoise Heh heh.  No, MUST be the silver cables causing the problem. 🙄