Which HIGH-END Player/DAC/Volume Control?

My criteria is to have a player that has digital inputs and has a volume control so I don't need a preamp. I really don't care about SACD but I think most of these have it.

I use Pass Labs XA30.5 stereo amp and Proac Studio 140s. My sound preference is more towards detail and bass slam while maintaining a non-fatiguing sound (yeah, I know, the perfect sound). But I can say I hated the AA Capitole and heard the Esoteric X03 and absolutely loved it, so I am guessing the transparency, detail and bass slam are my priorities.

Here are the options:

DCS Puccini
Esoteric P5/D5 combo
Wadia 581iSE

My sound preference is more towards detail and bass slam while maintaining a non-fatiguing sound (yeah, I know, the perfect sound)


Buy the Wadia and send it off to GNSC and your wish will be granted...8)
Emm Labs... the original DCC2 + CDSD is a great value in my mind at the used prices you can get them. Everyone tells me if I like the original I really need to get the SE versions but I have to say I've been very satisfied with the original and haven't had much of any aching to shell out dough for the SE version.
Hey Arbuckle,
i put up a similar thread few weeks ago.it was called "CDP with volume and digital input..Which one?"
Look it up.A few players were mentioned.I also like slam and non-fatiguing sound...Also very dynamic one.
The players mentioned were DcS P8i,Cary 306/200,Accuphase DP500 etc.