What's the oddest thing in your music collection?

For me, it's a CD titled "Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin".

Yes, it's Led Zeppelin songs played by The London Philharmonic Orchestra.

It's actually quite interesting, to me anyways. For a review and sampling the music, see:

So, what's the oddballs in your collections?



RCA Living Stereo and Command Records had some really good sounding records. Command Records Vol. 2 Provocative Percussion. Enoch Light and the Light Brigade.

Beverly Cotton-Clog-In (Flying Fish 237).  Out of nearly 2000 vinyl records this gets my vote.

@richopp, man I love me some Johnny Otis, that dude knew how to put a touring group/show together but I ain't never seen that Skillet and Leroy jive. Thanks for that. Enjoy the music

@1111art , the above post was in response to your post, was laughing so hard I got confused.

I would add Rachel Sweet, too, but she may have been too main-stream for the "odd" designation.

@tooblue Your are welcome. I guess.