DAC connection to PC with USB

Help ! I can't seem to get any sound to my new PS audio DAC111 through the usb connection on the computer. Call PS audio.... They said to go to audio output in the control bar, shut off desktop speakers and select usb output or usb kodac. I said great, that not hard. I can not find any of this in my windows xp control panel.
How do I get music to play from foosbar to my DAC111 through the usb. What settings, and where our they on my computer?? I would have never tryed to make this PC into a music server if I would have known you need a PC geek !!
Thank you for any help you can give to me. Brian
Not sure about the power of the VTL int, but as I mentioned, doing 60+ wpc with good output Tformers, the BAT is 80 & the MAC is 75.

...and I've yet to hear a speaker whose db rating of less then 90-92 that didn't enjoy power... and Especially those under 88.

I'd think mo po, were it me with those Dyns... as adequate, and proper, are two very different animals.
My Dac will not install into my computer, New Hardware found, but driver had an error, device may not work propely. PS audio will need to find me a driver for my pc to load. Untill driver issue is resolved, I cannot select usb port because my pc dos'nt know anything is hooked to it. I believe my new Dac has issues.
Try grabbing one of these universal ASIO Drivers:



Or here:


Once you have this driver configured, you should not need to force windows to output to the USB driver. You should setup the USB audio device as a ASIO device in Foobar 2000, and then select it in the foobar output options. This way, if you want to use your internal soundcard for something else, such as games or movies you still can.

Best of luck!


Have you any experience with these drivers and other high end usb DACs.... and/or ituens?