How many people do you think have the same DAC, amplifier, and speakers

I was thinking that the majority of people have unique systems. 

So you think statistically that maybe only a couple of percent of people have the same source, amplifier, and speakers?


I guess that's what fuels the 'mine is bigger than yours' discussions..


A bunch of people have my speakers.   Only a handful have my amp or DAC.   I am confident that no one has the same system 



Toolshed Amps 300b,  there are a few like it but no two are exactly the same. 

Lab 12 DAC 1,  probably 100 or so made.  

Klipsch Forte IV ,   the only mainstream product ....

Check out some of the Virtual Systems… many cost as much as luxury cars.  It’s mind boggling how many unique combinations there are

Certain brands like McIntosh  Naim,  and Linn will have tons of people with identical systems but once you start mixing brands there are millions of combinations 

I have a Mytek DAC and Luxman amp and 100% custom speakers, so I know no one has my gear.  😁