Ordered a Willsenton R300

Everything I have read about this 300b tube amp has been very positive, particularly Steve Huff's review on his website.  I have always thought I would love the sound of 300b tubes and this is my chance to get one for a very modest price.  It ought to drive my Spatial Audio M4 Triode Masters very nicely.  I will report back my impressions of the amp when it is fully revealed to me. 


If you don’t like, you might consider an American competitor with a great track record for customer reviews as well as a reputation for service and reliability.


To my knowledge, Quicksilver does not build a 300b amplifier. @whitestix that is quite an endorsement from Don Sachs. Did he explain why he believes that his 300b amplifier is superior to his Kootenai KT 88 amplifier?


@charles1dad You're right. It's a tube amplifier, integrated, around the same price point (a bit above). But no, not 300B. That could be a deal breaker for many, but not for all. 


I just mentioned this because I believe that @whitestix is specifically interested in the 300b.



Don gave me quite a detailed summary of the internals of his 300b, which he is developing in association with Lynn Olson.  As with his other gear, he believes it will far outperform much more expensive 300b amps on the market.  I will suggest to Don that he chime in on this thread if he is interested in a further description of his new amp.