What speakers have you mistakenly let go and then later repurchased?

Or maybe wished you wouldn't have sold? 



The OP also asked about speakers you wished you hadn't sold.

"What speakers have you mistakenly let go and then later repurchased?

Or maybe wished you wouldn't have sold? "

I've never sold then repurchased a pair of speakers but do wish I still had the Silverline SR11s that I sold. At the time, I didn't have a sub and moved to a pair (Revel M20) that had more bass on their own. I'd really like to hear how the SR11s sound in my current setup with a sub and better amplification.

Totem Model 1 Signature. Sold a pair years ago. Bought another pair a year or so afterwards. Eventually sold those. It's been years since I sold the second pair. Every now and then I look for another pair. There is something amazing about the way those speakers image. 

Sold pair Apogee Calapers ….big mistake.Tried maggies etc

found pair  rebuilt apogees Diva’s.cannot see ever moving on!

Thiel CS 3.7, thanks to my wife i bought a second pair after having sold the first pair lol