Bookshelf vs diffuser panel. Who wins?

I have a 3 x 5 bookshelf filled with books. The books are not even and some are more inserted than others.

Isn't this accomplishing the same thing as a 3 x 5 diffuser panel?



"Personally I can't stand bookshelves in rooms."

You would hate our place (the living room alone has over 130 linear feet of bookshelves).

My favorites are open backed "standards" with shallow 5.5" deep shelves as the books just seem to hang in the air.

I installed them on the speaker wall in the living room starting @ one foot above the floor and extending to the ceiling.

Did the same in the main bedroom on the "my side of the bed" wall.

White walls white hardware/shelf material and the shelves themselves are barely noticeable.




Bookshelf vs diffuser panel. Who wins?

Diffuser panel: Because a bookshelf is not a diffuser panel. See below:



I love books / bookshelves and we have nine floor to ceiling bookshelves in our house… after getting ride of half our books. Most newer stuff is accumulating on iPads now. Nothing more comforting than to be surrounded by knowledge. My partner and I dearly love knowledge and share 6 college degrees between us.

What an excellent point.
Maybe it sounds better to say ‘which one wins?

Or simply ‘which wins’. Yeah maybe that one’s better.

I wonder if most people with bookcases display a dictionary? It’s sad but I only have a paperback dictionary and that’s hardly of substance since it’s kind of small. But I do have a hard bound thesaurus which is impressive. I have used it before too.